For partners

We are always looking for new inspiring partners to collaborate with. You will get to know some of the brightest minds in the next generation of female talent while actively contributing to closing the gender gap for women in leadership positions.

people mingle

HosT an event with WCN

Trough inspiration, education and  networking you can play an important role in challenging norms and gender structures within corporate culture. By arranging an event together with WCN you get the opportunity to influence the future business industry while meeting ambitious and curious female students. We offer a network of young talents and a flexibility which enables varied and unique events. 

Mentorship programme

The WCN mentorship programme offers members one-on-one guidance and support from established professionals in their relevant fields. Our mentors are top professionals with inspiring careers and academic backgrounds excited to invest their time and knowledge to empower future leaders.

people mingle with glass in their hands

Become a Sponsor

We see that working together for one mission is better than working alone. If you feel the same way, please reach out to