Want to learn more about psychological safety in the workplace from the context of the financial industry?
Women’s Career Network warmly welcomes you to an insightful evening together with OP Financial Group on the 4th of February at 16:30 where we will learn about psychological safety in the workplace while also taking part in a workshop focusing on having the courage to be yourself, giving and receiving feedback, as well as conflict resolution.
When: Tuesday 4th of February, 16:30-18:30
Where: OP Financial Group Headquarters, Gebhardinaukio 1, 00510 Helsinki
Language: English
This event is tailored towards business students and wcn members. Students from other majors are also welcome.
Register latest on 28 of January. Note that the number of seats is limited! Please make sure to inform us about any allergies.
Register soon, as spots are limited! This event is exclusive to WCN members and follows a first-come, first-served basis. If you encounter any issues with signing up, please contact us at wcnhelsinki@womenscareernetwork.com.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Please note that sign up to the event is binding, and if you are unable to attend the event after securing a spot please notify u as soon as possible as spots are limited! No-show may result in you not being allowed to attend our events in the future.