SE Stockholm – Modular Finance

Women’s Career Network warmly welcomes our members to an evening with Modular Finance on the 22nd of January 2020.

During the evening we will get to know more about Modular Finance and how it is to work with digital innovation in finance.

We will also get to meet the founders of Modular Finance, Petter Hedborg and Måns Flodberg, as well as Faw Azzat, Product Manager, who will be speaking about her Career Journey.

We look forward to seeing you!

When? Wednesday 22nd of January 2020, 17.30–20.00
Where? Birger Jarlsgatan 41A

Please note that the event will be held in Swedish.

Om Modular Finance:
Modular Finance grundades årsskiftet 2013/2014 av Petter Hedborg och Måns Flodberg som tidigare grundat och sålt investerarplattformen Introduce. Modular Finance mål är att stå för digital innovation på finansmarknaden.

Bolaget utsågs 2019 till DI Gasell samt blev ett av av Sveriges 50 snabbast växande teknikbolag. Allt det med ett balanserat risktänk där bolaget haft som mål att vara lönsamt från start med ett team som älskar det man håller på med.

The places are limited for female business students, first come first served. Please note that you will receive a confirmation if you get a place at the event and that the confirmation may take a couple of days to receive. If you have any issues with signing up, contact us at

Sign up here!