Are you curious about the financial industry but not really sure of what it means to work within a bank? Do you want a chance to get to know one of the most fast-growing
banks in Sweden a little bit better?
WCN is happy to welcome its members to an evening at Danske Bank’s headquarter in Stockholm.
You will get the exclusive opportunity to get an insight of the financial industry as well as the life at Danske Bank. During the evening you will have the possibility of discussing different roles and career opportunities with employees from several departments. You will meet Berit Behring, the CEO of Danske Bank in Sweden, who will share her experiences and thoughts from her career in the financial industry. Danske Bank is looking forward to hear about your opinions regarding what norms and values you believe the financial industry stands for and what they can do to offer a gender equality and inclusive culture. We look forward to seeing you!
Please note that the presentation will be held in Swedish. Refreshments and snacks will be served.
When? 21 September 2017 at 15:45 (Registration until 16:00)
Where? Norrmalmstorg 1, 103 92 Stockholm, Sweden
Sign up for the event below. The spots are limited for female business students, first come first served. Please note that you will receive a confirmation if you get a spot at the event. Observe that the confirmation may take a couple of days to receive. If you have any issues with signing up, contact us at